13 October 2015
Quintas Update - Budget 2016
Budget 2016 - Key Points of Note
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Quintas Update - Budget 2016
Budget 2016 - Key Points of Note
by Dave O'Brien, Tax Director
Dave O'Brien, Tax Director

Budget 2016 was expected to be a giveaway budget and it was, at least compared to the previous 7 budgets.  The last budget of a government who have survived for the full 5 year term was always bound to be a good one. It is clear from todays speeches that re-election is high on the agenda of this government, however I was surprised that they showed a little bit of restraint.

So do we have reasons to celebrate? Of course we do. Each and every one of us will have an increased take home pay in 2016. Minister Noonan mentioned that broadly speaking everyone would receive the equivalent of an additional weeks wages in 2016. The only tax increase was on a packet of cigarettes which increased by another 50 cent. 

The following are some of the good news stories from Budget 2016:

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