by Fachtna O' Mahony, Partner
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the Spring’18 Newsletter.
It’s been an interesting and busy, indeed hectic, first quarter at Quintas. Having conducted some research into the relevance of our Newsletter, the indications are that while the technical pieces are regarded as relevant and informative, there is tremendous interest in the opinion pieces and the softer storyline articles. With that in mind we are endeavoring to strike a balance between the two to create a Newsletter that interests you at some, or different levels. In this edition our highly regarded Receptionist Siobhán, has contributed a very interesting and insightful article on the challenges, experiences and emotions of a parent returning to the workplace after taking time out to raise her family. We also have articles on getting prepared for GDPR with the implementation date imminent, alternative sources of Finance and changes to how Revenue deal with underpayment of PAYE.
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Returning to the workforce
by Siobhan McCarthy, Receptionist
During the recent weather snow spell I found myself housebound with a lot of unexpected spare time on my hands, so much so that by the time Sunday came, I was done watching all the ‘Come Dine With Me,’ ‘Flog it’ and ‘Escape to the Country programmes’ on the television – the house was spick and span and I was well rested, I was sick of snow and I realised that I was looking forward to going back to work in Quintas the next day.
Back in 2005 the opportunity arose for me to give up work and stay at home. Our children were small and after working for 19 years, I found myself wanting to be at home with them. Even though it was a huge adjustment, the biggest change for me personally was that I really missed the social side to the job that I had left; I had never considered that aspect of giving up work.
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Time is nearly up - Businesses have mere weeks to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”)
by Joan Bourke, Legal & Compliance Officer
The clocks moved forward this weekend edging us that bit closer to the GDPR deadline of the 25th May 2018. Data Protection is certainly a hot topic with Cambridge Analytica and Facebook dominating recent news headlines where Cambridge Analytica, a big data company focused on political and commercial ad campaigns, illegally used the personal information of 50 million Facebook users. This company apparently masterminded Donald Trump’s surprise win in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and has been accused of playing a role behind the scenes of the Brexit referendum in 2016 by targeting potential swing voters. Facebook is under fire for not protecting Facebook users’ personal data better. Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica data debacle has been damaging to the company. Recently its market value fell by nearly $50 billion.
What we are seeing is just the tip of the iceberg! Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said he expects there are other companies alongside Cambridge Analytica which may have abused their access to large amounts of Facebook user data.
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Alternative types of Finance
by Margaret Linehan, Team Manager
Whether you are thinking of starting a business, looking to expand your existing business or simply looking to create cashflow, funding can be a huge consideration for all parties concerned. Some people may be fortunate enough to get a cash injection from family members or friends, but more often than not an independent third-party funder will be required.
Banks may not always be the first port of call for people looking for funding. This may be due to a poor credit history or in a start-up scenario it might simply be the lack of history but there are other options and avenues that may be worth exploring.
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Changes to how Revenue deal with underpayment of PAYE
by Dave O' Brien, Tax Director
As many of you will be aware, a new PAYE system will come into effect from 1 January 2019. This has become known as PAYE Modernisation. In effect, all employers will have to deal with payroll taxes in real time.
One relatively important offshoot of this legislation, which has gone relatively unnoticed, is a change to how Revenue deal with the underpayment of payroll taxes. This change has come into effect on 1 January 2018 as opposed to the main changes which will come in to effect on 1 January 2019.
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Recent News
by Jennifer Brosnan
Congratulations to Philip Gillivan on being elected as President of Cork Business Association
Quintas wishes to congratulate our client Philip Gillivan who was recently elected President of Cork Business Association.

Northside for Business Awards 2018
Congratulations are also extended to client Eddie Irwin of Irwin’s Pharmacy Group, for winning the Merit Award for their Mayfield pharmacy in the Retail Category at the Northside for Business Awards 2018
The Great Quintas Bake Off in aid of Marymount Hospice
Quintas Partners and Directors recently donned their bakers hats to provide us with a variety of treats for our Bake Off held in February. Proceeds from the day were recently presented to Breda O' Callaghan from Marymount Hospice, pictured below with members of our social committee. Great fun was had on the day with all 11 entries being tasted and voted on. Congratulations to Fachtna O' Mahony on his winning entry. A very successful fundraiser for a great cause.

Junior Certificate Business Studies Revision Course
Due to popular demand Quintas will now run a 2nd day for our Junior Certificate Revision Course on Saturday, 7th April. Places are limited so please contact Siobhan on 021-4641400 or email reception@quintas.ie to book your place.
New Arrivals
Congratulations to Fergal O' Sullivan and his wife Fionnuala on the birth of baby Liam who was born in January.
80th Birthday Celebrations
Congratulations to Niall O' Riordan who recently celebrated his 80th Birthday
